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Study at: AIT HCM Office, 45 Dinh Tien Hoang, Ben Nghe, District 1, HCMC

Timeline: 29, 30 June 2024

Tuition Fee: 400$/person

Who we are

School of Management of Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) is the premier international institution of higher education and research in Asia. AIT’s rigorous academic, research, and experiential outreach programs prepare graduates for professional success and leadership roles in Asia and beyond..

Our management programs help prepare students to become executives who have the intellectual curiosity and associated skills necessary to meet the complexities of our changing world. This fits with AIT’s mission to develop highly qualified and committed business professionals who play leading roles in the region’s sustainable development and its integration into the global economy.

Khóa đào tại ngàn hạn về ESG - Short course ESG

What Will You Learn In This Course

The course is designed to provide an Overview of ESG in corporate which will give managers and professionals skills to carry out transformation, evaluate and give advice to steer corporate decision-making towards responsible profits.

Risk in the supply chain ESG reporting som ait program master esg
  1. Key Sustainable Trends in Vietnam and around the world
  2. The concept of ESG and the importance of ESG practices
  3. Challenges for businesses when practicing ESG
  4. Recommendations for integrating ESG practices into business operations
  5. Building an ESG Implementation Roadmap in Business
  6. ESG Implementation Content
  7. ESG Case Studies (Application to Businesses)
  1. Sustainability
  2. ESG Integration Challenges
  3. Principles of Sustainable Governance
  4. Healthy competition
ESG along the whole value chain​ som ait program master esg
Changes in models disruption business continuity and customer retention loyalty​ som ait program master esg
  1. Identify and Assess Key Supply Chain Risks
  2. Evaluate the Environmental and Social Sustainability Performance of Supply Chain Partners
  3. Develop Action Plans to Mitigate Supply Chain Risks and Enhance Social Responsibility Practices Among Stakeholders
  1. Promoting Decent Work and Upholding Labor Rights
  2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) Practices in Recruitment and Talent Management
Scenario Planning for ESG​ som ait program master esg

Our Short Course ESG Lecturers

Our lecturers are leading experts, managers and professors in their fields
Dr. Roger Levermore​
Vice-President for Development
Dean of the School of Management
Program Director: Professional Masters EGG
Dr. Reiner Hengstmann
Vice President Additional Materials at ISA
Founder go4more.global
Advisory Council Member GLG
Dr. David Galipeau
Founding Partner SDGx
Director SDGx Near Future Lab
Lecturers, ex-@UN, ex-DotCom
Dr. Entela Benz​
Founder & CEO Intensel
Climate Risk Solutions
Academic , INED

Why Short Course ESG

esg short course som ait vn 1
Global Trend

The business world faces a major transformation. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards are key differentiators.

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Job Opportunity

The search is on for ESG professionals with understanding and skills. More and more ESG professionals are needed.

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Market Demand

More ESG professionals are needed than are available. 500,000 new ESG jobs are expected this decade.

esg short course som ait vn 2
Become Leader

The short course ESG provides an overview of ESG, prepares professionals for in-demand ESG roles.

Study at Your Own Pace Boost Your Career by Learning Skills in High Demand
More Information

098 360 4487

Tuition Fee For Short Course ESG


Study at: AIT HCM Office, 45 Dinh Tien Hoang, Ben Nghe, District 1, HCMC

Timeline: 13, 14 April 2024

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